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  • AHS Drama

Welcome to the New Website for Amador High School Drama & Giles Turner Performing Arts Center!

Hello to all you Parents, Alumni, Potential Students, and Friends of AHS Drama and the Giles Turner Performing Arts Center!

The last 18 months have been quite crazy, and everyone involved in Drama and the Theatre Arts has had to learned to adapt to the changing world around us. As we begin the the 2021-2022 school year, excited for the return to the stage that it may bring, we've decided we need to make some updates and changes to better connect us with our audience.

The first big change: a fully-fledged website! And who's going to manage it? Well - US! The Students. We want to bring to you continued news, updates, and insights into the world of the Drama Room!

The main reason? Well, let us be vulnerable for a moment: the pandemic has caused our numbers to dwindle. It's hard to recruit new freshmen without our usual in-person tactics. So how can we share with our potential students who we are and what we do? We start here. Online.

The secondary reason? To engage YOU! Our beloved audience. Our parents, our friends, our neighbors, communities haven't been able to see what's been going on with us for the last 18 months - and really, we want to change that. We want you to know that Amador High School Drama is ALIVE & WELL and plans on continuing with the training, performance, and work that Mr. Turner's been bestowing on his students for the last *cough* few decades.

So stay tuned, stay present, and we hope to see you in our hallowed hall very soon!


AHS Drama Officers


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